The National Institute on Scientific Teaching is a non-profit organization devoted to empowering and inspiring the transformation of STEM education through evidence-based teaching practices. The Institute is dedicated to STEM education reform by improving science literacy and increasing diversity in the academia in universities across the United States.
SIST draws scientific teaching principles from models supported by peer-reviewed research and support participants to directly apply these principles in their classrooms and in their course development. The curriculum includes core elements of active learning strategies, effective assessment development, and inclusive teaching practices. Institute alumni continue to actively transform STEM education on their home campuses, contribute to national STEM education initiatives, and disseminate their evidence-based teaching efforts and research through peer reviewed publications.
During these multi-day intensive workshops, participants learn strategies for enhancing student learning through the principles of scientific teaching: active learning, assessment, and inclusive teaching. Participants will have opportunities to engage in interactive sessions, work in small groups with a trained facilitator, and present instructional materials for feedback and review.
Based on Charles Henderson’s four categories of change strategies to improve adoption of evidence-based teaching the team, Summer Institutes provide instruction in peer evaluation and drive long-term reflective teaching as well as facilitated strategic planning to leverage newly gained expertise toward educational reform.
Learn how to implement scientific teaching in your classrooms, and how to evaluate peers in order to develop as reflective practitioners.
Sponsored by UC Merced’s HHMI Inclusive Excellence in Science Education grant.
National Institute on Scientific Teaching